Welcome to Adacel Technologies Limited Investor Information Page

Thank you for your interest in Adacel. Below is pertinent investment information we hope you will find helpful. If you still have questions, please reach out to us.  

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Investment Information

Adacel Delisting 

Adacel Technologies Limited (Adacel or the Company) was, at the request of the Company, removed from the Official List of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) on 8 January 2025 under Listing Rule 17.11. The removal of Adacel from the Official List of the ASX was completed pursuant to shareholder approval granted at the Company’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 27 November 2024.

We understand that shareholders may have questions regarding Adacel's recent delisting. To provide clarity, we have complied FAQs addressing key concerns. Read the FAQs here  

Share Registry

If you need information about your shareholding, please contact Adacel's share registry, Boardroom Pty Limited

Boardroom Pty Limited
GPO Box 3993
Sydney NSW 2001
1300 737 760 (within Australia)​
+61 (2) 9290 9600​ (International)
Contact online

Shareholder communications

Shareholders can choose to receive documents relating to their shareholding - such as dividend statements, the company’s annual report, or notice of meeting - electronically or in paper copy. To do this, simply go to Boardroom Pty Limited and follow the prompts, or contact Boardroom using the details above.

When you update your election details you will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) along with your postcode. The SRN number is located on your Issuer Sponsored. If you have trouble locating this information, please contact the Company’s Share Registry, Boardroom, using the details above.

Important information relating to Notices of Meeting and Annual Reports

Notices of Meetings
Following the passing of the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022 in February 2022, Adacel will now issue notices of annual and general meetings electronically where a shareholder has provided a valid email address or has not made an election, unless the shareholder has elected to receive a paper copy of these documents.

If you wish to receive paper copies of notices of meeting, please update your preferences or contact Boardroom using the details above. Alternatively, if you currently receive paper copies of notices of meeting and would prefer to receive them electronically, you can also update your preferences using the same process.

Annual reports
Following Adacel’s delisting from the ASX, all future annual reports will be distributed to registered shareholders using the shareholder communications platform, Boardroom Pty Limited, according to account specific preferences– electronically or in a paper copy. All previous annual reports prior to the delisting can still be accessed on our website with previous ASX Announcements.